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Cultivate a balanced life with guidance from Kendra Goheen and Pursuit of Balance lifestyle coaches as guest contributors. Explore self-care, mindfulness, and goal-setting strategies.

Jennifer Sanders
Dec 28, 20241 min read
Regulating the Nervous System with Presence
Take a moment to look at this picture. What do you notice first, second, and third? Keep looking…see if you can stay here for another...

Rachael Walston
Dec 3, 20242 min read
Creating Meaningful Holiday Traditions
The holiday season offers a wonderful opportunity to create meaningful traditions and memories for children. Aside from all the fun...

Kendra Goheen
Nov 2, 20242 min read
Reclaim Your Intuition
Have you ever felt a doubt about a decision, or ignored the doubt and regretted it later? Or perhaps you've made choices that felt right...

Kendra Goheen
Sep 5, 20242 min read
Pivoting with Purpose
Pivoting to a new path can be scary, but it's often needed to keep the dream alive, ensuring the journey stays exciting and fulfilling.

Kendra Goheen
Aug 19, 20241 min read
Managing Your Stress and Anxiety: A Parent's Guide to Back-to-School
Prepare for back-to-school with these tips to manage stress and support your child's success and well-being.

Heather Balent
Aug 13, 20241 min read
Disconnect to Reconnect, Stay Present During Travel
Summer has us all itching to explore new places, but the constant itinerary juggling, planning, and phone notifications can leave you...

Rachael Walston
Aug 1, 20243 min read
Be a Calm Anchor in a Child’s Storms
Children are not able to think logically when they are upset, and it is common for children to feel emotions such as anger and...

Jennifer Sanders
Jul 26, 20242 min read
Calm Your Body and Mind with Presence
If you are like me, much of your day you are juggling many things at once. Often feeling behind, overwhelmed and destined to not get it...

Rachael Walston
Jul 15, 20242 min read
Smooth Sailing Transitions
Transitions can be very challenging for children, and may lead to feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. As adults in these children’s...

Jennifer Sanders
Jun 30, 20242 min read
Course Correction to Peace
When frustration grabs hold of you it can feel like there are no options or other perspectives than the one you are grappling with. The...

Kendra Goheen
Jun 11, 20241 min read
Being A Grandparent Versus A Parent
Being a grandparent is a whole new ball game! Balancing guidance, observation, and occasional discipline can be a real thin line to walk.
Kendra Goheen
May 1, 20242 min read
Pursuit of Balance Interview
We are excited to introduce Pursuit of Balance! To do so, we will interview Kendra Goheen, the founder of Pursuit of Balance. Kendra has...
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