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  • Writer's pictureKendra Goheen

A Guided Walking Meditation Practice

Walking meditation is a contemplative practice where close attention is paid to the action of walking. It is not thinking or contemplating while walking (which is also delightful), but being mindful of the muscles of the body, the placement of the feet, balance, and motion. Walking meditation has a long tradition in Buddhism and can also be practiced while walking a labyrinth.

In walking meditation, we become aware of the movement of each step. It is a way of using a natural part of life to increase mindfulness. Once you learn the practice, you can do it almost anywhere. It helps us feel fully present on the earth.

Join me at: on the following days from 6:00-7:00 am CST rain or shine, to be guided through a beautiful walking meditation practice. We will meet under the arbor by the parking lot. No prior reservations required. We will start promptly at 6am and feel free to bring coffee or tea to enjoy on your walk!

August 14, 21

September 3

With Love and Peace!


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